Sunday, 21 September 2008

Grapepicking Season

Known as the vendanges here in France, a time of the year when people of different ages and nationalities converge on the wine growing regions to harvest the grapes, they work hard and enjoy the experience, they even get to drink the regions wine free, that is a perk of the job they tell me.I went out and about today to see for myself what was going on in the Beaujolais region, I happened to stop around the area of Regnie-Duratte, I have taken some pictures that I want to share with you, I was fortunate enough to be invited back by the owner Jean-Michel Gaudet to where the grapes were being emptied into the large vats, because of that I have been able to add other pictures of what goes on back at the Cave, thanks to the kindness of Jean-Michel Gaudet, who by the way was being helped by his 11 year old son, he is in the picture on the back of the tractor forking the grapes onto the conveyor belt.Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves even though one could sense the work was hard and tiring, the weather was ideal and the general opinion it would be a good year for the beaujolais.
The beaujolais region converges with the region of Burgundy, some even say it is part of the Burgundy, I will leave that for others to argue over, I can say for myself that the wine is well worth drinking and the price fair, I did infact taste his wine of 2007, I was suitably impressed and purchased a case, I will probably be returning for more. Anyone interest in visiting his cave the address is as follows. Domaine Gaudet, 69430, Regnie-Durette, for more information on the region there is an information office in Beaujeu, a wonderful area to visit, lots of places of interest and accommodation in abundance, and top of the list fine beaujolais wine.

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